We’re celebrating at Springhill Care Home after scoring 100 per cent satisfaction from our residents for the standard of care we provide in a nationwide survey.
The results show that Springhill Care was given an overall performance rating (OPR) score of 882 out of 1,000, exceeding the national average of 872.
The home also exceeded the national average in 16 out of 23 criteria, and scored 100 per cent ratings in 11 of the criteria it was judged on as compared to eight areas at 100 per cent in the previous survey.
The areas of 100 per cent satisfaction included: safety and security; respect of privacy; taking part in activities; having visitors; cleanliness; being treated with kindness, dignity and respect; understanding staff and capability of staff.
Donna Briggs, Managing Director of Springhill Care Group, said: “It’s great that our residents value the care they receive and we believe it is part of our role to listen and understand their opinions and needs to ensure we are continually providing the very highest service levels.”
Now in its third year, the Your Care Rating survey is the country’s largest and most authoritative survey of care home residents. The nationwide survey gives residents a voice, putting their care at the heart of understanding more about how well care homes perform.
More than 21,000 residents in 1,034 care homes across the UK took part. Each care home was given an overall score based on resident feedback across four broad themes; Staff and Care, Home Comforts, Choice and Having a Say, and Quality of Life.
All of this year’s results for every care home surveyed are displayed on the Your Care Rating website www.yourcarerating.org.